Latest posts

Observe and listen with empathy – interview with Maral Deghati by Juraj Marec
There are many invisible people behind the curtains who help others in their effort, and that applies to the world of documentary photography and photojournalism; it is not just about photographers themselves. Many people do a necessary and vital job to support and make relevant, so photographers can […]

An overflow between reality and a dream – interview with Margaret Lansink by Matúš Zajac and Nicole Jašáková
Photographs of the intimate human relationship display the feeling of giving yourself emotionally to the other person. Of opening up truly and completely. Margaret Lansink‘s purely intuitive way of taking photographs presents us with an honest reflection of her own inner emotions, creating an impulse to go on […]

Differences make the world more interesting – interview with Francesco Zizola by Matúš Zajac and Juraj Marec
Strong aesthetics, humanity and a personal commitment are the main features of the work of Francesco Zizola, Italian photographer and founding member of the NOOR photo agency and foundation. Thanks to Slovak Press Photo, we had the chance to meet him personally after a press conference and talked about […]

Being honest and human, is the most important – interview with Jan Grarup by Matúš Zajac and Nicole Jašáková
Thanks to Prague Street Photography Group, we have been able to prepare an interview with one of the most significant war photographers in the world today. If you are interested to meet Jan Grarup personally, do not hesitate! On 4th October you are about to have a lecture […]

The fragility of life – interview with Nancy Borowick by Juraj Marec
To photograph humans passing out from this world requires a strong character and courage. To catch such story inside your family and more even in the closest family circle, a big portion of a vulnerability is a must. Nancy Borowick in her series shows all above. The pain is […]
Interviews with documentary photographers

An overflow between reality and a dream – interview with Margaret Lansink by Matúš Zajac and Nicole Jašáková
Photographs of the intimate human relationship display the feeling of giving yourself emotionally to the other person. Of opening up truly and completely. Margaret Lansink‘s purely intuitive way of taking photographs presents us with an honest reflection of her own inner emotions, creating an impulse to go on […]

Differences make the world more interesting – interview with Francesco Zizola by Matúš Zajac and Juraj Marec
Strong aesthetics, humanity and a personal commitment are the main features of the work of Francesco Zizola, Italian photographer and founding member of the NOOR photo agency and foundation. Thanks to Slovak Press Photo, we had the chance to meet him personally after a press conference and talked about […]

Being honest and human, is the most important – interview with Jan Grarup by Matúš Zajac and Nicole Jašáková
Thanks to Prague Street Photography Group, we have been able to prepare an interview with one of the most significant war photographers in the world today. If you are interested to meet Jan Grarup personally, do not hesitate! On 4th October you are about to have a lecture […]

The fragility of life – interview with Nancy Borowick by Juraj Marec
To photograph humans passing out from this world requires a strong character and courage. To catch such story inside your family and more even in the closest family circle, a big portion of a vulnerability is a must. Nancy Borowick in her series shows all above. The pain is […]

Photography helps me to survive – interview with Meg Hewitt by Matúš Zajac and Nicole Jašáková
The perceptiveness of the image from which expressive moods come is the domain of Meg Hewitt, an Australian photographer, influenced by Japanese art. What has led you to take up photography? I have always been an image-maker. I studied painting at art school in the 1990’s but never […]
Blogs by our editors

Russian village – Alexandra Demenkova
Alexandra Demenkova (*1980) is russian photographer devoted to social documentary photography, currently based in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. “Although I asked my parents to buy me a camera at the age of nine, I only got my first camera at the age of nineteen. I’m happy that photography has happened to […]

Hidden world of periphery – Andrej Reiser
Andrej Reiser (*1949) is slovak photographer known more abroad than in his home country. He touches a sensitive subjects. He photographed the transsexual men working as prostitutes in Germany’s harbour city Hamburg in the late 1970s. The resulting images are in a way a documentary photographer’s dream, having […]

In March 2012 his debut book “DEAD TRAFFIC” was released by Dienacht Publishing in conjunction with a solo exhibition at the Freelens Gallery in Hamburg. He is represented by the Italian photo agency Prospekt and currently lives in London.

Welcome to Lagos – Laco Maďar
Photographic essay by Laco Maďar was created between 2011 and 2016. It documents the daily lives of people of middle and lower class in sub-Saharan largest metropolis Lagos. The discovery of black gold in Nigeria has resulted in turning away from agriculture, fishing, textile industry and mining. People […]