Photographer Jindřich Štreit chooses topics in which he can look into the depth of the problem to point it out. To get inside the community of drug addicts was not easy certainly but author conceived it comprehensively. Initially he had recorded their daily lives but after while he made fiends and started helping to one memeber of the community so the whole story became more personal. Suddenly the doors were opened. In addition to interior where addicts lived Jindřich captured the court, prison and social center in which they attempt to return to normal life. Jindřich Štreit visualised this theme in more expressive and some times even in scary way. He avoids typical visual sketches into layers of image and his objective is focused directly into the man and his deformed soul at different stages of behavior. Through this exceptional project we can feel not only the human psyche but also the directness and intuition of the author in these moments. The road to freedom is certainly unique project in the whole society aspect of the issue. Photographs infiltrate into our memory and will stay there for many decades.
Photographs are authorized © Jindřich Štreit.